How could Jesus be the
After all, life is complicated. People
are intertwined and connected in very sophisticated ways, and many
problems that used to resolve on their own now simply multiply and
grow bigger... How can Jesus be the answer? Is this
merely an assertion by Christians?
Time marches on for us, and our lives
are pretty short in the scheme of things. This human experience is
easily understood historically by looking at politics, economics, or
demographics. For many people, this is enough, and they feel
“reality” is understood. But I believe we all know that there is
more to life than these artificial categories of numbers and events.
Just as there is a spiritual dimension to our everyday life, so there
is (by necessity) as spiritual dimension to human history. It is
easy to try to confine spiritual things to the realm of religion, and
satisfy another “facts and figures” category. However, there are
certain spiritual things that just won't fit. One of these is the
phenomenon of God's revelation to us in the Bible.
Far from being an abstract muse from
ancient forests, or a religious justification for previous wars, or
the product of isolated groups of self-promoting clergy, the Bible
emerges above human experience as something truly authored and
inspired from somewhere else.
The amazing shock is how God has
revealed Himself in and through history. The Bible makes it clear
that God has been working all along, and remains working today to
bring about the consequences of faith and doubt among us. Another
amazing fact is that God spoke through people like us to bring us His
message; people in circumstances often far worse than ours.
And to what does the Bible direct us?
It directs us to faith in one individual, one person, the divine Son
of God Jesus Christ. Christ is anticipated first and in later
writings celebrated as the crux of human history. His preeminence is
inescapable in the pages of God's revelation.
To deny this reality is to dive off the
deep end of skepticism, and in spite of all probability to remain there. Detractors will always
find excuses and temporarily convincing lines of reason. And yet the
Bible exists as it is, and it says what it does, with no apology
needed. God's Word points us far above the circumstances of our
current despair, to salvation from God, freely available by grace
through faith. If we would only read and believe.
Whatever you may be facing, ultimately Jesus is
the answer.
Happy b/c of Jesus
Pastor James
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