Rev. James W. Jordan
Personal Statement of Faith*
The Scriptures consist of the
sixty-six books that are the canon of Protestant Christian tradition.
These are the authoritative written revelation of God to humanity.
The Scripture is inspired by God and came into history through His
chosen human authors and in their circumstances. Scripture reflects
the character of God. Each and every part of Scripture is important,
and none can be slighted for the sake of another. Personal
experience can never be placed above or on par with the Word of God.
These Scriptures are the final authority for all religious
controversy among all humanity. They are the reference and rule for
the church and for Christian living. Therefore they inform us; we do
not inform them. The Scriptures are written so that they may be read
carefully, thoughtfully understood and applied to life. These
sixty-six books are a unified whole, and are not to be divided up as
if they were separated by anything other than chronology.
God is the only eternal Spirit. He
has always existed as He is and always will exist as He is. He is
wholly different than we are, and His attributes are many and varied.
He knows everything, He is always everywhere, He sees everything, He
can do anything that He desires. He is the only being in existence
who has no needs. God exists as a trinity: He is so perfect that
His highest good is to behold Himself. Therefore, the Father has
begotten the Son. The perfection and joy of their relationship is so
strong that it is a third person, the Holy Spirit. This one God is
therefore a personal being that exists in three centers of
consciousness which are all co-eternal.
The person of the Father functions
at the top of the authority hierarchy within the trinitarian
existence. This hierarchy is based on function, not essence. The
Father is uniquely revealed in the Son, who voluntarily submits
Himself to the Father. The Father has revealed Himself using male
imagery, which is not optional in referring to Him. The Son and the
Sprit will bring us into the presence of the Father at the
consummation of His kingdom.
The person of the Son has become
incarnate as a human, and is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born
approximately 3 B.C. of the virgin Mary, who was crucified, dead and
buried, and who rose again from being dead. He miraculously ascended
into heaven approximately 33 A.D. Jesus is both God and human. His
complete humanity does not limit His divine essence, and His complete
divine essence does not limit His humanity. His mission on earth was
to announce the coming of the Kingdom of God. By offering Himself up
to die under the judgment of God even though He was sinless, He took
the wrath that should have fallen upon all of humanity. By this He
covered up the sins that we have, do, and will commit. He reconciled
us to our Creator, He redeemed us from the slavery to our sins and to
death. He justified us before the Father.
The person of the Holy Sprit
proceeded forth from the Father and the Son. This fully divine
person secures us within the joy of the glory of God that exists
between the Father and the Son. He was given by the Son to His
church, in order to comfort us and remind us of all that He has said
in His Word. He testifies to the Son. He distributes gifts that are
to be utilized for the edification and building up of the glory of
God. Those who use these gifts also possess the fruits of the
Spirit, which are the outward evidences of the life of people who are
truly God's.
Through the Holy Spirit, God may
still work in miraculous ways, with hearings, gifts of tongues, and
other miraculous manifestations. However, it is not the expectation
of God's people to see or experience the miraculous manifestations,
but to expect God to sustain them through until the coming of Christ.
We are to expect miracles very, very rarely. The people of God are
not to seek these gifts, they are to seek to endure with perseverance
until the end. The Holy Spirit is not to be quenched, nor is He to
be presumed upon and blasphemed.
All that exists was created by God
out of nothing. He spoke the universe into existence by the Word of
His power and by virtue of His perfect will. He created the universe
single-handedly, and sustains it in order to ultimately magnify His
glory in and through it.
Humanity was created to reign as
king over the kingdoms of earth that God had created. In this,
humanity was to reflect the rule and reign of God, which is to say
that humanity was created in the image of God. Humanity was also
created with the ability to sin or not to sin. Our first parents,
Adam and Eve, did not trust in God, and broke the covenant of which
God had made with them. For this reason, all of their descendants
(all of humanity) are born into a state wherein they can only sin.
Sin is unbelief, and is manifest in rebellion against God. This
state separates us from God. All of our thoughts, words, and deeds
are stained by sin. We sin by choice and by chance, by doing things
and by leaving things undone. We are broken and self-destructive,
only deserving eternal punishment in hell because of the eternal
damage we have done to God's glory in Christ if we do not turn from
our sins and trust Him.
Our reason is therefore stained by
sin, and is in need of redemption and salvation. As such, our
reasoning process is only employed for sinful purposes against God if
we remain unregenerate. As regenerate beings, our faculties of
reason are redeemed, and are then not to be used for sinful purposes,
but for the glory of God.
Salvation is the escape from the
judgment of God upon our sin. This escape is completely dependent
upon the activity of God Himself, and is not dependent upon the
efforts and attributes of the object of the salvation. God has
chosen those for salvation based upon His mercy and grace. His
saving grace cannot be resisted by the sinful person, and God will
transform those whom He has chosen into persons who desire His glory
and believe in, trust in, and cling to Him. All of those whom God
saves will endure in this belief and trust until the end of their
earthly life.
The nature of the church is the
priesthood of believers. As such a priesthood, it is holy, is
unified around the rule of God, and propagates sound and true
doctrine. We are made of those who are God's people through the work
of Christ, and indeed have Christ Himself as head of the church. The
church is the assembly of the people of God. These persons who
belong to God are to be about the task of worshipping God; everything
they engage in should come as a subset of this supreme activity of
worship. Therefore, the church is to be seen as an outpost of the
Kingdom of God, and is to be busy proclaiming the rule of God (the
gospel). The most fitting mode of government for the church is the
congregational method, which models most closely the Biblical idea of
the local church functioning in cooperation with others. Each church
is to appoint officers, which are elders and deacons. Every believer
is to join with the church.
By keeping sound and true doctrine,
the church is to be engaged in educational ministry which is constant
in its duration and consistent in its content. This includes a
commitment to a statement of faith accompanied by a catechism, which
is drawn up within that local body of believers.
The two things that Christ has commanded the church to administer are Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Baptism is a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ, and is to be administered by immersion in water. By definition, it is to be administered only to those who profess repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. The Lord's Supper is a memorial of what Christ has done on the cross. In it the church partakes of elements which represent His body and blood. It is to be practiced with bread and wine, which remain bread and wine before, during, and after their use in the Lord's Supper.
At an appointed time Jesus Christ
will return bodily to earth in order to consummate His Kingdom and to
display the glory of God in the earth. He will return after the
unprecedented tribulations and before His earthly rule. There will
be two judgments, in which He will judge all persons, bringing all to
account for all things which they have done upon the earth. In so
judging, Jesus will provide His people with eternal life before His
earthly rule, and provide those who are not His people with eternal
judgment after His earthly rule is complete. After Jesus' earthly
rule is completed, the earth will be recreated.
*This document was first written as part of formation courses at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 1992. It survives with only slight revision.
Hi James,
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your blog from time to time as Amber links to it on facebook. Was reading through your statement of faith and would love to see the scripture that you based this statement on: "His saving grace cannot be resisted by the sinful person..." Just out of curiosity if you're willing to share where you were coming from and a desire to read it and research for myself. Thanks and blessings,
Wendy Gilliatt(Gary's sister)