Blog of James Jordan, Minister and Instructor of Religion in the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina USA.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Spiritual Peace and Nature
There can be little debate that getting back to nature can put you in touch with your spiritual condition in ways that being "in the noise" can't. Seeing the graces of creation,such as the mountain view I am enjoying, accents what is transcendent and eternal about us. Deep inside we resonate with the wonders of God, and we desire to know and be known. We are so small...and yet we read,"who can separate is from the love of God?" Christ offers to all true spiritual peace,a kind that is so settling. We can be free from dread and confusion, and embrace in an unashamed way the power of the Creating God who calls us by name not to be just "religious" or "nice" but to be saved. A view of the seen is but a doorway to what is unseen. See, and and find. "I look up to the hills, from where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord."
Friday, September 17, 2010
Encouragement from 2 Timothy 4
Is church ministry work a popularity contest? Many people think so- since their personal opinion is the one most often considered! But the Bible doesn't leave us bewildered, it gives us power through encouragement to "hang in there." Check this out, all you discouraged people...
"So, with God and Christ as witnesses, I command you to preach God’s message. Do it willingly, even if it isn’t the popular thing to do. You must correct people and point out their sins. But also cheer them up, and when you instruct them, always be patient. But you must stay calm and be willing to suffer. You must work hard to tell the good news and to do your job well."
"So, with God and Christ as witnesses, I command you to preach God’s message. Do it willingly, even if it isn’t the popular thing to do. You must correct people and point out their sins. But also cheer them up, and when you instruct them, always be patient. But you must stay calm and be willing to suffer. You must work hard to tell the good news and to do your job well."
This is from the Contemporary English Version, a great modern reading version that was actually the product of some hard work, not just computer manipulation. I'd encourage people who don't read the Bible much to grab a CEV and dig in! Start with Leviticus and see how neat it is!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
What? Burn a Qur'an?
So...burning a Qur'an is something I'd expect from people with poor theological mooring. A lack of mooring leading to a self-centered worldview, evidencing possible spiritual problems. There could be pride, there could be spiritual self-sufficiency, perhaps some anger, and maybe even some hate. For sin there is repentance, a sacrifice has been made...and He said many things, including, "You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. "For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? "If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Mat 5:43-48)
I can pray that the Dove World Outreach Center will try harder to carefully live up to their name, so no unnecessary offense is given. Evangelism and outreach are hard enough, and ideas like the International Burn a Qur'an day make it harder for sincere people everywhere who are trying to share Jesus.
I can pray that the Dove World Outreach Center will try harder to carefully live up to their name, so no unnecessary offense is given. Evangelism and outreach are hard enough, and ideas like the International Burn a Qur'an day make it harder for sincere people everywhere who are trying to share Jesus.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Beck, Baptists, and Bandwagons
I heard this past weekend there was a big rally in Washington, D.C., featuring a talk show host. Sounds amazing, that a talk show host would draw such a big crowd. I'd expect someone else, but the talk show host is a guy named Glenn Beck. When I first heard of Glenn Beck, his network was in the process of launching his TV show. I listened for a second or two, and turned it off. Since then, I've heard a few of his opinions, mostly as a way of confirming why I turned his show off. I found his logic more than questionable, his conclusions unlikely, his tone irritating, and his communication style patronizing. Just me, I guess...
...because lots of religious people (like me) seem to love him, and are following his lead! In fact, on the video from last weekend's rally, I saw lots of famous preachers standing behind Glenn Beck. I saw John Hagee, David Barton, one of Jerry Falwells' sons, and a few other familiar faces. I feel safe guessing that Dr. Richard Land was there somewhere, thinking he was representing the millions of Southern Baptists. (I later checked, and to my horror it is not only true, but he is one of the people out there on the media selling how awesome the rally was. *I give up.*)
I hear Beck is a former Roman Catholic and a practicing Mormon. I also heard clips of him praying, and preaching about what is right and wrong in churches. I think he must be a leader of preachers and churches now, rather than a talk show host.
Glenn Beck must have good credentials. He must have some spiritual gifts and training that have been recognized by churches. He must have a great Christian testimony and be involved in reaching out to those who don't know Jesus Christ as Savior. He must have compelling ideas that are truly of God, since he has so many famous preachers standing behind him.
It may be a matter of debate, but I'd guess none of the above are true.
What is true is that Christians need to submit their minds to God, and must live and act and have their being in Jesus. Christians must think, and must rely on their theological grounding and cultural savvy to assist in living out a God centered view of life. Jumping on a bumper sticker bandwagon is no substitute. To have a vicarious Christian life is to live on the ragged edge of disaster.
Sincere Christians must ask: Who is driving this bandwagon, and why? Further, is it not the responsibility of famous preachers to lead Christians and save the world by methods more spiritual than those of Glenn Beck?
I'll conclude this ramble with Matthew 16:23: But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's." Not only this but also Romans 12:2:" And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
God bless- now please go pray and think.
Happy because of Jesus,
Pastor James Jordan
...because lots of religious people (like me) seem to love him, and are following his lead! In fact, on the video from last weekend's rally, I saw lots of famous preachers standing behind Glenn Beck. I saw John Hagee, David Barton, one of Jerry Falwells' sons, and a few other familiar faces. I feel safe guessing that Dr. Richard Land was there somewhere, thinking he was representing the millions of Southern Baptists. (I later checked, and to my horror it is not only true, but he is one of the people out there on the media selling how awesome the rally was. *I give up.*)
I hear Beck is a former Roman Catholic and a practicing Mormon. I also heard clips of him praying, and preaching about what is right and wrong in churches. I think he must be a leader of preachers and churches now, rather than a talk show host.
Glenn Beck must have good credentials. He must have some spiritual gifts and training that have been recognized by churches. He must have a great Christian testimony and be involved in reaching out to those who don't know Jesus Christ as Savior. He must have compelling ideas that are truly of God, since he has so many famous preachers standing behind him.
It may be a matter of debate, but I'd guess none of the above are true.
What is true is that Christians need to submit their minds to God, and must live and act and have their being in Jesus. Christians must think, and must rely on their theological grounding and cultural savvy to assist in living out a God centered view of life. Jumping on a bumper sticker bandwagon is no substitute. To have a vicarious Christian life is to live on the ragged edge of disaster.
Sincere Christians must ask: Who is driving this bandwagon, and why? Further, is it not the responsibility of famous preachers to lead Christians and save the world by methods more spiritual than those of Glenn Beck?
I'll conclude this ramble with Matthew 16:23: But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's." Not only this but also Romans 12:2:" And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
God bless- now please go pray and think.
Happy because of Jesus,
Pastor James Jordan
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
We need More love, people!
So my take on Sara Bareilles' new single, "King of Anything" is that the singer is right, no one did die and make the evangelistic person king of anything. I think it is a protest/demand for the historically Baptist principle of "soul competancy." I also think it appeals for the right to decide without personal condemnation for the decision made, and may actually stop short of a radical subjectivist autonomy. The song describes "waiting for a moment when it was my time to decide." In John, Jesus calls on everyone to decide for themselves if His claims were true or not. Notice though the protest against being called "lost," "I'm not the one who is lost." Another clue for people who are evangelistically minded, or who care genuinely about others and their souls- we need love in our hearts for others! So maybe they don't have to feel like the one in the song; that they are being disrespected, labelled, categorized, and condemned all at once, and against their will! The gospel is "good news," so let's take care lest we make it "bad news." "So what if you disagree?" We all know the disrespect might, sadly, be mutual, and songs like this confirm the social tension. This might be a pretty neat song, for those who care about what other people think and feel about evangelistic efforts.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Here's a great one about simple misunderstanding- and "deflection!"
A preacher said to a farmer, "Do you belong to the Christian family?" "No," said he, "they live two farms down." "No, no, I mean are you lost?" "No, I've been here 30 years." "I mean are you ready for Judgment Day?" "When is it?" "It could be today or tomorrow." "Well, when you find out for sure when it is, you let me know. My wife will probably want to go both days!"
- from O' For the Life of A Preacher!, Rev. Leon Hill, Baxter Lane Company, 1975, p.34.
I'll probably post some more gems from this book when they seem to fit the day!
A preacher said to a farmer, "Do you belong to the Christian family?" "No," said he, "they live two farms down." "No, no, I mean are you lost?" "No, I've been here 30 years." "I mean are you ready for Judgment Day?" "When is it?" "It could be today or tomorrow." "Well, when you find out for sure when it is, you let me know. My wife will probably want to go both days!"
- from O' For the Life of A Preacher!, Rev. Leon Hill, Baxter Lane Company, 1975, p.34.
I'll probably post some more gems from this book when they seem to fit the day!
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